
Courier Services for Distributors

In their hands when they need them: we specialize in time-sensitive delivery, ensuring parts and products are available and ready for your distributor and wholesale customers when they are needed—at any time of day.

Industrial enterprises increase production turnover every year. In view of this, the need for well-organized and carefully thought-out international and domestic transportation solutions also increases. Experts from the OceanShipstand ready to support decisions on routes, vehicle type, and other related logistics-related issues.


Distribution centres deliver products

  • Automotive parts
  • HVAC products and parts
  • Electrical products
  • Pharmaceuticals and medical supplies
  • Restaurant/Food Service dry goods, supplies and equipment
  • Emergency restoration products, supplies and equipment
  • Hydraulic parts and assemblies
  • Hydraulic parts and assemblies
  • Oil and Gas Products
  • Construction Materials Chemeical
  • Livestock
  • Wood and Paper

Why Use OceanChip for Distribution?

The key to a successful distribution, retail or wholesale company is the ability to have your products available to your customers when they need them, whether it is to replenish an out of stock item or to quickly replace a mis-shipped order. We specialize in getting your products to where it is needed today!


Traditionally, you may have performed these time-sensitive deliveries using your own internal staff. But from experience, you know there are enhanced risk management and quality control processes that need to be considered that add cost and operational constraint to your business.